My god, has it been a long time since I've done this.
Every year I say to myself that I will start to keep a continuous journal of my life, and every year, I make a few posts and drop it.
I can think of a few reasons that I don't do it more regularly:
1. Work is ever time consuming
2. So is Mary, my girlfriend.
3. Even if there wasn't work or Mary, there would be something that kept me from doing it.
I think if I apply real introspection, then the truth is that if I record it, it may someday be used against me in the court of law.
I've always had this difficulty, I don't like to be recorded. I don't like pictures (unless they are good ones), and I don't like knowing that my thoughts are available for someone else's perusal.
But then there is the performer side of me that wants it badly, that wants to be famous and recognized and liked and doted upon.
It's a tough personal conflict.
Here's how I think I'll do it. I'll keep posting this as a Saved Draft, and then someday, someday when I'm happy with the writing, I will post it publically.
But not today. Or maybe I will, you never know.
I'm sitting in the Red Carpet Club at Washington Dulles Airport. As I've discussed with other travelers, when you travel for work, the first six months are okay, you get to see sights, learn the craft of navigating through the airports and rental car agencies, and eventually you feel comfortable anywhere in the world because are certain that your five words in their language and your patience in English will get you to the hotel.
But then, at some point, it stops being fun.
You get tired of the airline delays, you get even more tired of the people who seem to think that the person behind the desk can do anything about it by screaming at them.
You get tired of hotel soap, hotel shampoo, hotel exercise facilities, hotel towels, and hotel beds (which are never the same, anywhere).
You get tired of stopping what you are doing right then because you must realized you need to get to your next flight.
Like now.
Farewell reader, have a good day,