Friday, December 12, 2003


I will keep it short today.

Daily Rant
I got to work and went to the cafeteria for my standard fruit, yogurt, and Odwalla. However, change of plans, the Mountain View Madrigals were singing their annual Christmas show. They are a great group of kids, very talented, and there is also the added bonus of a free cooked breakfast.

So I sat down with my Eggs Benedict (Traitor!), sausage, and orange juice and was getting ready to eat, when the HR manager comes up to me and says,

"Where's your guitar?"

"Oh, it's in the office. I'm looking forward to playing at lunch."

"We're up in five minutes."

Oof. Apparently our Christmas Carol Sing-a-long was scheduled for the intermissions, and I thought it was during lunch. Tough break, no time to warm up, and I had to get the chords to the songs in less than five minutes.

Next thing I noticed is that there was only Lea, Phyliss, and I up in front of everyone...nobody else wanted to join us.

It wasn't bad, and I got a lot of compliments, but I did miss the change on 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas' because they didn't sing the first verse twice...oh that drives me nuts when you have to perform without practice.

Did I learn something new today?
I learned that you should force a practice session before you go live.

Did I observe an interesting person?
Lea M. has an excellent voice, operatically trained and very forceful. Her vibrato is amazing.

Have I learned anything that may be useful for my daily life?
Miguel plays guitar, basic blues, he may want lessons later. Also, turn the volume up on the alarm clock, waking up at 6:45 is no fun.

Hobby Update
Racquetball: Ed and I matched up 1-1 in racquetball yesterday, wasn't having a great game. Didn't get to play the tie-breaker.
Guitar: As mentioned, I could have played more for the Christmas Carols, but it worked out okay.
Skiing: Planning on going with Murad tomorrow

Farewell Reader, have a good day.
