Taken from http://www.imdb.com/news/sb/#1
Protests, Prayer Vigils To Greet 'Kinsey'
Religious conservatives and family-values groups are planning to wage a battle against Fox Searchlight's Kinsey, about the pioneering sex researcher, when the movie opens in limited release on Friday. In a statement on Wednesday, Robert Knight of Concerned Women for America charged that the movie "lionized" a man whose "proper place is with Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele or your average Hollywood horror flick mad scientist." Knight went on to assert that Kinsey "was the godfather of the homosexual activist movement, the campaign to mainstream pornography, and even the campaign to strike down abortion laws." The youth group Generation Life, composed of "virgins and renewed virgins," announced that it would picket theaters showing the film. And the conservative WorldNetDaily.com has taken aim at the movie in the current issue of its monthly magazine Whistleblower, in which it charges that Kinsey transformed America "in five decades from the Leave It to Beaver innocence of the 1950s to today's wanton, 'anything-goes' sexual anarchy."
The first thoughts that come to my mind are:
1) Why should I care what these zealots think?
2) Unfortunately, some people with considerable influence do care what they say.
The arrogance of the religious zealot never fails to amaze me. Do these people forget that they are the by-products of sex? Do they not understand that Kinsey objectively studied the human urge to have sex, and that these urges are the reason they exist?
As a race, we've been having sex for much longer than we've had the ability to talk. Without these urges, the dominant males would have been enjoying themselves doing more destructive things, like clubbing sabre-tooth tigers, wooly-mammoths, and other males, as opposed to wooing (or clubbing) desirable females and procreating.
But I'll call the zealots out on their own words.
-a man whose "proper place is with Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele or your average Hollywood horror flick mad scientist."
Pure idiocy. He apparently doesn't make one key distinction: Kinsey's subjects were willing participants, Mengele's were not.
-"virgins and renewed virgins," announced that it would picket theaters showing the film.
I love that term 'renewed virgins.' People asking for a Mulligan on their first time. It reminds me of Jill's girlfriend who would wait until her period to have sex with a guy so that she could say that they 'were her first.'
-"in five decades from the Leave It to Beaver innocence of the 1950s to today's wanton, 'anything-goes' sexual anarchy."
Let's see, the only real difference between the '50's and today is that we have much more information being transmitted in real time. The media has instant access to everything. But let's say there wasn't 'sexual anarchy' in the '50's. This would be the only time there wasn't anarchy. The evidence is clear with "All's fair in love and war."
Farewell Reader, have a good day.
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