Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Random Thought

Okay, go with me on this one.

Do people realize how close we are to the chance of immortality?

Look at the state of our science and technology. At a level that is approaching fundamental, we understand the behavior of mass and light, which, if you read closely, is an almost all-inclusive statement.

We can almost understand the strange combination of chemical elements that makes up the aqueous, salt, and organic molecules which combine to form proteins, cells, and flesh, and eventually life. Modern techniques can almost reconstruct, if not regrow the fabric of life in the exact form required.

How far are we from the regrowth of body or brain and having a lifespan of limitless existence? Will I live long enough to find out, and will I be wealthy enough to afford it?

Given the choice, how long would I live before I decided I needed to die?

Farewell Reader, have a good day.



mrsd said...

But if you were immortal, you couldn't decide when you wanted to die. Immortality is perpetual life. Right?

I wouldn't want to live forever on THIS earth with THIS flesh. Change the earth, change my flesh, and I will. :) Plus, I want people to live with me. No fun being immortal all alone.

Lara said...

Immortality...the stuff of sci-fi movies everywhere. But I think you're right...we're so close. I wouldn't mind it if I had a good, true love (or even a friend) to share it with, and we remained somewhat youthful...but what a burden it would be to bear alone.