Well now, the sands through the hourglass have moved a bit since the last time I stroked the keys in this little corner of the web.
Quite a bit has happened since the last post...I think the last time I wrote I had a girlfriend. Now she has become The Wife, and now we have The Baby to contend with.
I almost get sick of all the TV shows and movies that talk about 'the miracle of childbirth'. I was always thinking "Jesus, it happens 40,000 times a day, and almost 6 billion times within the last hundred years. What could possibly be new about this?" Even my brother has done it, twice.
It's easy to be dismissive from the Armchair, but when you're in the game yourself, it's a whole different matter.
First off, there's the realization that it's not a car or a DVD. If you lose the baby, break the baby, or hurt the baby, you don't file an insurance claim and get a new one. You go to jail.
Second, in order to keep from losing the baby, breaking the baby, or hurting the baby, you gotta do a lot of things according to it's schedule, which appears to be about a 2 or 3 hour repeating cycle. And man, does she remind you of her schedule with all four lungs a blazin.
Third, and truth be told, most important, you really love the baby. From the first second it starts screaming, you are hooked. Maybe because you realize that you had a hand in her creation, and that for the next twenty or thirty years (or as long as she listens to you), there is one person in the world that will always want to know what you think, always think about you first when a problem comes up, and hopefully always have a smile for you when she sees you. And you feel the same way about her.
Maybe I distilled it into fewer words than some third rate sitcom, but I'm guessing that this fatherhood thing is going to be a pretty cool ride.
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